
Gold Circle Award Profile: 泰勒-西格, 2020 Emerging Leader of the Year


泰勒-西格, 曾任世邦魏理仕北密歇根大道737号房地产副经理(现就职于纽约Edge-Funds), was named 2020 Emerging Leader of the Year.

How did your career in commercial real estate begin?

我于2017年春季在北密歇根20开始了我的房地产职业生涯,担任房地产服务管理员.  Despite not having a real estate background, I quickly learned CBRE’s platforms, 程序, and policies and brought in an outside perspective on how to improve efficiency.

我以前在体育行业工作,一直对数字和分析感兴趣, which is what attracted me to commercial real estate. 这种兴趣, along with my competitive nature, are two core reasons why I have succeeded in the industry.


九个月后, 世邦魏理仕要求我调到东瓦克和威斯汀公司中心65号,通过标准化大楼的运营和流程,帮助他们符合世邦魏理仕的要求,并为世邦魏理仕的卓越环境(E4E)合规审计做好准备. 仍然是这个行业的新手, 这是一项艰巨的任务, especially because this was the first year that the building was being audited. 该建筑最终在十大网赌靠谱网址平台地区获得了最高分,也是世邦魏理仕在美国的最高分之一.

In January 2019, I was promoted to Assistant Real Estate Manager of a 1.北密歇根大道737号100万平方英尺的混合用途建筑,在该行业工作了一年半之后. 在这个位置, I gained more responsibilities in the areas of financial reporting, 预算, 和建筑, and contributed to the building winning the local, 区域, and international TOBY awards for best mixed-use building. In January 2020, I was promoted to Associate Real Estate Manager at 737 N Michigan.

What are some of the things you learned along the way?

In addition to the on-the-job training I received with these projects, I had to adjust to different managerial styles compared to 20 North Michigan.  20 North Michigan was very hands-on with a full staff, while at 65 E. Wacker there were days that I would be the only employee in the management office.

I also learned a great deal from Neil Pendleton, 董事总经理, 市区投资者服务, 与世邦魏理仕. 尼尔不遗余力地去了解我和世邦魏理仕的其他人,并总是激励我进步和超越.

Tell us about your involvement in the commercial real estate industry beyond CBRE.

在过去的两年多里,我一直积极参与商业房地产行业和十大网赌靠谱网址平台社区,作为博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的成员, the CBRE Rising Professionals Organization, and the Chicago Real Estate Network (CREN).

You’re a big believer in volunteerism. What are some of the charitable groups you support?

我曾在麦当劳之家做志愿者,招待和安慰生病的孩子和他们的家人,也曾在詹姆斯·乔丹基金会的学生阅读奖颁奖典礼上做志愿者,庆祝学生在这一学年的阅读成绩. 另外, 我在无家可归者收容所做过晚餐,还在瑞格利球场(Wrigley Field)十大网赌靠谱网址平台世邦魏理仕(CBRE Chicago) 2019年的慈善晚会上做过志愿者. 我是密歇根大学校友会的积极成员,在那里我担任体育管理专业学生的导师. I also attend events to support Keshet, a Jewish organization for people with special needs, and Jewish United Fund (JUF).

回到物业管理. Tenant satisfaction is a priority for you.

我为自己对租户工作订单请求的快速响应时间感到自豪,并看到租户满意度的提高. Once a tenant makes the Management Office aware of an issue, I would immediately work with the engineering or janitorial staff to address it. 我经常跟进每个租户的要求,以确保他们的需求得到解决. 许多租户都给我寄了一张纸条,感谢我对情况的关注,表达了他们的感激和满意. 我也一直愿意抽出时间与租户会面,讨论更深层的问题,包括清洁和安全问题. 我亲自拜访了一个租客的套房,无论什么时候——无论是早上7点还是晚上7点,我都和他们一起在房间里散步.m. 或者是6p.m. – and then worked with janitorial staff to address their needs.

What are some of the more memorable tenant events you have planned?

I enjoy planning events for tenants. 在大楼大厅举行的情人节活动(现场歌剧和爵士音乐伴随着心形饼干), 在大楼租户休息室举办的疯狂三月观看派对(电视上播放着大学篮球比赛), Garretts Popcorn and soda for each tenant, and a Pop-a-Shot tournament), 保护我们的物种地球日活动(提高人们对动物灭绝的认识,并在提供动物主题纸杯蛋糕的同时提供保护动物的方法), 和Soules4Souls鞋子活动(收集的鞋子捐赠给有需要的人,并使鞋子远离垃圾填埋场).  在这些十大网赌靠谱信誉平台之后, 我总是从参加活动的租户那里寻求反馈,以便更好地了解他们的需求和期望,以便为未来的活动做出改进.

Tell us about your work with 能源Star.

Throughout my real estate career, I managed the 能源Star portfolio for every property at which I have worked, 包括20个北密歇根, 北克拉克1165号, 东瓦克广场65号, 威斯汀企业中心, 北密歇根737号. 在北密歇根737号, 我监控了这栋建筑的能源之星组合,以改善这栋建筑的可持续性. 我通过与能源顾问一起进行建筑巡视和研究认证(绿色地球认证),不断寻找提高建筑效率的新方法。. 我最近协助监督了一个冷却器更换项目,以提高北密歇根737号的建筑效率. 过去的一年, 我策划了电子废物回收活动,让租户安全妥善地处置未使用和过时的电子设备.

Professional development is important to you. What programs have you found most helpful?

I enjoy expanding my knowledge of the industry. After obtaining my Illinois Real Estate license in 2017, I began my RPA certification in the fall of 2017. 在2019年春天,我完成了剩余的课程,并于2020年5月获得了RPA指定. I recently received my Certified Manager of Commercial Properties (CMCP) designation. Over the last couple of years, I attended several Green Initiative events offered by CBRE, City of Chicago Benchmarking Ordinance Seminars, and the Illinois Green Alliance. 我也从BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台专业发展活动中受益,包括午餐 & Learns on 能源 Efficiency and the 应急准备 Table-Top Exercise. Next, I plan to pursue my FMA and LEED certifications.

What sets you apart from other young professionals in the industry?

在世邦魏理仕任职期间,我的目标一直是受到所有同事的喜爱和尊重.  One of the best ways to do this is to be willing to help others.  I regularly volunteered to take notes at CBRE meetings, including training sessions, to share with employees who are unable to attend. Before leaving 65 East Wacker place, I offered to train my replacement one to two times a week, while also fulfilling my job duties at 737 North Michigan. I also created an extensive training manual to explain the building’s processes, (例如, handling rent statement delivery and collection), in addition to the various CBRE platforms like procurement, 资产视图, 和核磁共振. 在北密歇根737号, 我尽了我最大的努力来帮助房地产服务管理员,同时也为她提供了晋升后需要的培训. 此外, 我被要求培训和/或协助其他物业的员工改善他们的运营.  As a super user on CBRE’s procurement system, I made myself available to answer questions from other employees about the platform.


By the time you read this profile, I will have moved to New York with my fiancé to work at my father’s company, Edge-Funds. 我将在位于时代广场和金融区的两处100万平方英尺的物业中担任类似的职位.

虽然我很难过要离开十大网赌靠谱网址平台,但我特别感谢世邦魏理仕北密歇根737号的家人, 包括劳拉·博塞特, Elizabeth Kilroy and Lilly Bromann, 我也很高兴能和我的哥哥和爸爸在同一家公司工作,他们都在华盛顿(图中左边是泰勒), DC.

我想和泰勒联系? You can catch up with him at tsiegel@edge-funds.com.

Would you like to nominate a deserving industry professional for a Gold Circle Award? We are accepting 2021 nominations for the Gold Circle 奖 through Friday, October 23. 前往我们的 Gold Circle Nomination Process page for nomination guidelines and forms.